My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Preterit v Imperfect simple intro practice
Part 1: For each set of sentences, write the correct preterit or imperfect conjugation using the answer choices provided. Then, write the English translation of the clue words (ayer, anoche etc). *20 sentences total
Note: All sentences are in the Yo conjugation.
Verbs included: hablar, comer, vivir, despertarse, vestirse, hacer, ser, ir, ver, dar
Hablar: to speak (hablaba / hablé)
Ayer yo ___________________ con mi profesora.
Cada día yo ___________________ con mis amigos.
Ayer_______________ / Cada día ___________________
Part 2: For each description and write P if it expresses preterit and I if it expresses imperfect.
_____ 1. Completed actions
_____ 2. Habitual actions (“used to do”)
Part 3: Irregular preterit verbs (Write the letter of the meaning and correct irregular stem for each infinitive) Note: #12-16 will not have an irregular stem.
p. to do / hic
n. to come / vin
_____ 1. Hacer _____ 2. Venir
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, study guide, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Question words and questions formation practice (Palabras interrogativas)
Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the English translation of each question word) *19 total
o. With whom / q. What
_____ 1. ¿Qué?
_____ 2. ¿Con quién?
Part 2: Complete the template with the correct question word in Spanish, the present tense conjugation of the infinitive, and copy the rest of the question. Then, answer the question in a complete sentence in Spanish in the present tense. *16 total with 16 different question words
*Note: 14 questions have tú as the subject.
*Verbs used in questions: Leer, Hablar, Escribir, Ir (2x) , Correr, Comer, Hacer, Ser (5x), Comprar, Costar, Tener
Leer: to read
Template: What + leer + tú + en la clase
Template for question: Spanish translation + Conjugated verb + tú + Rest
Student response: ¿ Qué + lees + tú + en la clase?
Template for answer: Subject + Conjugated verb + Rest
Sample answer: Yo + leo + un libro en la clase
Answer key is included on pages 6-10. For part 2, the answer key only includes the questions. Student answers will vary for the responses.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, study guide, review, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
El medioambiente mini conversations fill in practice
Luis Ramos is an environmentalist. Today he is interviewing several students at a university to find out what the local citizens are doing to help the environment. Complete each conversation with the appropriate word using the word bank.
*There are 8 mini conversations.
Word bank for conversations #1-4: bicicletas / el vidrio / eléctricos / el cartón / público / el plástico / grifo (faucet) / paneles solares / duchas / luces
Word bank for conversations #5-8: multa (fine) / tantos (as much) / castigan / árboles / ley / caseros (homemade) / bolsas / orgánicos / reutilizable / jardines
Conversación #1
Luis: ¿Qué hacen las personas antes de reciclar?
Tina: Las personas separan _________________, __________________, y _______________.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapters 9A / 9B of Realidades 3.
*Students can do the practice orally as well.
La niñez sentence order practice (Imperfect tense)
Write each sentence in the correct order in the template provided. (12 sentences total)
con los bloques / jugaba / yo / con mi hermano / en la sala
Template: Subject + Conjugated verb + ¿Con qué? + ¿Con quién? + ¿Dónde?
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 4A of Realidades 2.
Las compras mini conversations fill in practice (Preterit)
All of Elena’s friends went shopping at the mall yesterday. She was not able to go with them. Today, she is texting them to ask where they went, what they bought etc. Complete each mini conversation using the word bank provided.
*There are 6 conversations total. Students will complete seven blanks per conversation using the word bank.
*Note: All 6 conversations are structured like the example shown below. Only the stores, items bought, colors, payment type, and people will be different.
Conversación #1
Word bank: pagué / quince / tarjeta de crédito / compré / fui / amarilla / camisa
Elena: Ramón, ¿A dónde fuiste ayer?
Ramón: Yo ________ a “El bolsillo” , que es una tienda de ropa.
Elena: ¿Qué compraste?
Ramón: Yo _______________ una _______________.
Elena: ¿De qué color es?
Ramon: Es _________________.
Elena: ¿Cuánto costó?
Ramon: Costó _______________ dólares.
Elena: ¿Cómo pagaste?
Ramón: Yo _______________ con una _____________________________.
Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Realidades 2 Chapter 3A vocabulary practice with preterit
Part 1: Los lugares: Read each description and write the correct place using the word bank. (12 total)
Word bank: La tienda de equipo deportivo / La tienda de ropa / El banco / El supermercado / El centro / La estación de servicio / El centro comercial / El correo / La farmacia / La clínica dental / El consultorio / La biblioteca
_____________ 1. Es un lugar donde los clientes cobran sus cheques y sacan dinero.
Part 2: Write the name of the place where each line is heard. Use the word bank. *The same word bank from part 1 is used. (12 total)
_________________________ 1. A mí me duelen los dientes.
Part 3: Based on where each person went, write the correct conjugation of Ir (to go) in the preterit and choose an infinitive phrase from the word bank below and conjugate the infinitive in the preterit. If there are two infinitives, conjugate both . (12 total)
*All 12 places are from part 1
Word bank: Sacar un libro y devolver otro / buscar los palos de golf
Yo __________ (ir) a la tienda de equipo deportivo y yo ____________________
Tu amigo __________ (ir) a la biblioteca y él ________________________
Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, study guide, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Irregular preterit study guide with practice (Spanish)
16 Infinitives included:
Hacer, Venir, Querer
Andar, Estar, Poner, Poder, Tener, Saber
Decir, Traer, Conducir
Dar, Ir, Ser, Ver
Irregular infinitives: Write the irregular stem for each infinitive using the word bank below.
Word bank: quis / hic / pud
Hacer (to do, to make): ______
For each infinitive, complete the table with the appropriate stem and preterit verb ending. (All 6 persons included)
Hacer: to do , to make
Template: Subject + Stem + Verb ending
One syllable infinitives: Dar, Ir, Ser, Ver
For each infinitive, write the conjugation using the word bank provided. (Students will complete a table with all 6 conjugations)
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. In addition to a study guide, this practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Total Pages: 8 pages
Las tiendas y las compras: Matching , fill in, and paragraph practice (Present tense)
Part 1: Las tiendas (Write the correct letter of the translation for each store)
8 total
_____ 1. El almacén g. Clothing store / h. Department store
Part 2: Complete with the correct store type in Spanish using part 1. (8 total)
_______________________1. Es donde una persona compra los zapatos.
Part 3: En la tienda (Write the correct letter of the translation) * 20 total
f. Fitting room / t. Entrance
_____ 1. La entrada
_____ 18. El probador
Part 4: Complete with the correct vocabulary word in Spanish from part 3.
This section is split in two parts (#1-10) and (#11-20) each with their own word bank. All 20 words are from part 3.
Word bank for #1-10: El precio / La entrada / El probador / Alto / La vitrina / El, La cliente / Bajo / de moda / ganga / letrero
____________________________ 1. Es por donde las personas entran.
Word bank for #11-20: La salida / Gastar / La liquidación / El, La cajero(a) / En efectivo / El cupón de regalo / La tarjeta de crédito / La caja / El cheque de viajero / El cheque personal
______________________ 11. Es lo que (what) los clientes hacen con su dinero. (Hint: Use an infinitive).
Part 5: Students will write a short paragraph in the present tense about their favorite store using the guidelines provided.
Answer key is included on pages 5-8 for parts 1-4. For part 5, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, test, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 3.
Go verbs mini paragraphs with questions practice
Complete each paragraph with the correct conjugation using the word bank provided. Then, answer the four question from the paragraph in a complete sentence in the present tense. Your answers should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over). No on-line translators or unauthorized resources.
Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Traer, Oir, Tener, Venir, Decir (8 total)
Hacer: to do / to make
Word bank: hacen / hacéis / hace / haces / hago
Yo (1) ___________ mi tarea. ¿Qué (2) ____________ tú? ¿Qué (3) ____________ él?
¿Qué (4) ____________ vosotros? ¿Qué (5) ____________ Ellos?
Answer key is included on pages 4-5 for conjugations only. For the questions, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip. Students can also do questions #2-5 orally in pairs or small groups.
Reading: El día de acción de gracias (Thanksgiving)
Note: The reading is mostly in the preterit (past) tense with a few sentences in the present tense.
Read the letter that Marcos wrote to his friend Luis about how he and his family celebrated thanksgiving. Then, answer the questions that follow.
*There are 14multiple choice comprehension questions (Write A or B). Students will also write a short paragraph on how they celebrated Thanksgiving, using the guidelines provided.
Pages 1-2: Reading
Pages 3-4: Comprehension questions and original paragraph
Pages 5-6: Answer key for comprehension questions only. For the original paragraph, student answers will vary.
Hola Luis,
¿Cómo estás? Espero que estés bien. Hace frío aquí. ¿Qué tiempo hace en San Juan? La semana pasada nosotros celebramos el día de acción de gracias. Nuestra casa está en Manhattan, Nueva York. Hace dos semanas, mis padres fueron al supermercado e hicieron las compras para el día de acción de gracias. Dos días antes del día de dar gracias, mis tíos y sus hijos vinieron a nuestra casa. Mis tíos se llaman Roberto y Carmen. Sus hijos se llaman Daniel y Paula. Ellos viajaron en avión de Tampa, Florida. Daniel tiene quince años y Paula tiene doce años.
Comprehension questions: Write the correct letter (A or B) for each question.
_____ 1. ¿Dónde vive Marcos?
a. Nueva York b. Florida
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, or as part of your sub plans. It can be used when students return to school from Thanksgiving holiday.
Ir and go verbs practice (present tense)
Complete each sentence with the correct present tense conjugation of the verb in parenthesis. Note, for -go verbs, the yo conjugation ends in -go. Make stem and spelling changes in conjugations, where needed.
Verbs included: ir, hacer, poner, traer, tener, venir, salir, decir, oir (9 total)
There are 6 sets with 9 sentences each. The subject for all 9 sentences in every set will be the same.
Subjects for each set:
Set 1: Yo / Set 2: Tú / Set 3: Marcos / Set 4: Sara y yo (nosotras) / Set 5: Vosotras / Set 6: Uds.
Yo __________ a hacer mucho hoy. (ir)
Yo __________ mi tarea. (hacer)
Yo ___________ la mesa. (poner)
Yo ___________ la comida para la fiesta. (traer)
Yo ___________ que hacer mi tarea. (tener)
Yo ___________ a la escuela temprano. (venir)
Yo ___________ de la casa las ocho. (salir)
Yo ___________ “hola” a todos mis amigos. (decir > e-i)
Yo ___________ la música en la radio. (oír)
Note: The first sentence in every set uses ir + a + infinitive. All sentences with tener will use tener + que + infinitive.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry or exit slip (broken into smaller sections).
GO verbs fill in practice (Present tense)
For each infinitive, complete the table with the stem and appropriate verb ending. Then, write the correct conjugation in the blanks.
Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Traer, Caer, Decir, Tener, Venir, Oir (9 total)
There are 6 fill in the blanks for each verb.
Hacer: to do / to make Stem: hac Yo: hago
Stem for: Tú , Él / Ella / Ud. , Nosotros, Vosotros , Ellos / Ellas / Uds.
Verb ending for: Tú , Él / Ella / Ud. , Nosotros, Vosotros , Ellos / Ellas / Uds.
Yo ______________ mi tarea.
Tú _____________ la comida.
Él _____________ la cama.
Nosotros _______________ cola para entrar la clase.
¿Qué ________________ vosotros por la noche?
Uds. _______________ mucho trabajo en la oficina.
Answer key is included on pages 6-10.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz , entry or exit slip.
IR stem change preterit matching and mini conversations
Verbs included: pedir, servir, vestirse, dormir (4 total)
There is one verb per page and there are two parts. Part 1: matching with all 6 conjugations, and part 2: Five mini conversations. (See example below)
Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation)
____ 1. Yo a. pediste
____ 2. Tú b. pedimos
Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of pedir in the preterit.
¿Qué _______________ tú cuando fuiste al café?
Yo ______________ una taza de té.
¿Qué _______________ Marcos de la red?
Él ______________ un par de jeans.
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Imperfect tense fill in practice (Regular and Irregular verbs)
Part 1: Regular verbs (Complete each set of sentences by writing the correct conjugation from the word bank)
*There are 7 sets with 3 sentences each for a total of 21 sentences. Note: Each set has a different subject. However, the subject will be the same (or similar) for each of the three sentences in the set.
jugaba / leía / escrbía
De niño, yo _______________ con mis amigos cada tarde.
Yo ________________ mi libro favorito a veces en la sala.
Yo siempre _________________ las palabras nuevas en mi cuaderno.
Irregular verbs: Ser, Ir, Ver
Part 2: Complete each set of mini conversations by choosing and writing the correct set of verbs from the word bank.
*There are 4 sets for a total of 12 mini conversations (3 conversations per set).
veías / veía , eras / era , ibas / iba
¿Cómo ______________ tú de niño? Yo ____________ bajo, cómico, y travieso.
¿A dónde ___________ tú cada verano? Yo __________ a España.
¿Qué ____________ tú en la tele? Yo ___________ los dibujos animados.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip (broken up in to smaller sections).
Reflexive verbs: Matching and mini conversations (present tense)
Verbs included: lavarse, cepillarse, despertarse, acostarse, vestirse
*There is one verb per page. For each verb, there are 2 parts.
Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation)
*All 6 conjugations included.
____ 1. Yo a. nos lavamos
____ 2. Tú b. os laváis
Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the present tense. Write the appropriate reflexive pronoun in the first blank and the verb conjugation in the second blank.
*There are 5 mini conversations per verb.
¿Con qué _____ / ______________ las manos?
Yo _____ / ______________ las manos con agua y jabón.
¿Cuándo _____ / ______________ Marcos las manos?
Él _____ / ______________ las manos antes de comer.
Answer key is included on pages 6-10.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Imperfect tense: Matching and mini conversations
Regular verbs: -ar, -er, -ir and ser, ir, ver.
For each verb, there are 2 parts (see example below)
Part 1 has conjugations for all 6 persons. Part 2 has 5 mini conversations for -ar -er, and -ir verbs. Each mini conversation has a different verb. For ser, ir, and ver, there are 3 mini conversations each.
Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation)
Hablar: to speak
____ 1. Yo a. hablábamos
____ 2. Tú b. hablabais
Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the imperfect tense.
¿Con quién ________________ tú cada día? (hablar)
Yo _______________ con mi familia y mis amigos.
¿Dónde _______________ Marcos cada tarde? (jugar)
Él _________________ en el parque.
Answer key is included on pages 7-12.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Car, Gar, Zar preterit matching and mini conversations
For each verb type (-car, -gar, -zar) there are two parts. Part 1 is matching with the six conjugations of one verb and part 2 has 5 mini conversations. Each mini conversation has a different verb.
There is one verb type per page. Page 1 (-car verbs), Page 2 (-gar verbs), and Page 3 (-zar verbs)
Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation)
Buscar: to look for
____ 1. Yo a. buscó
____ 2. Tú b. buscamos
Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the preterit tense.
¿Qué ________________ tú ayer? (buscar: to look for)
Yo _______________ el nuevo restaurante.
¿Qué _____________ Pablo de la biblioteca? (sacar: to take out)
Él ____________ dos libros.
Answer key is included on pages 4-6.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Mis vacaciones de navidad: Preterit fill in practice
Marcos is writing in his diary how he celebrated Christmas break. Complete the blanks by choosing the correct preterit verb from the word bank.
*There are 3 paragraphs (each with its own word bank)
*There are 27 fill in the blanks (all 3 paragraphs combined)
Paragraph 1
Word bank: dio / compró / puse/ condujimos / decoramos / fuimos / tuve / abrimos (Note: #6,7,8 will have the same answer)
Dos semanas antes del día de navidad, mi familia (1) _________________ un árbol navideño. Después de llevar el árbol navideño en mi casa, mi familia y yo (2) _____________________ el árbol con varios adornos (adornments) y luces. Yo (3) _________________ diez días de vacaciones de (from) mi escuela. La nochebuena yo (4) _________________ los regalos para mis padres y mi hermana Paula debajo del árbol navideño. El día de la navidad nosotros (5) _____________________ nuestros regalos por la mañana.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used when students return from Christmas break. It can be used for classwork, homework, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Stem change verbs study guide and practice (Present tense)
Page 1: A list of stem change verbs with their English translation.
*E-IE, O-UE, E-I, and U-UE verbs included.
Pages 2-3: Students will conjugate 9 verbs for all six persons in a structured template. E-IE, O-UE, E-I, and U-UE verbs included.
Pages 3-4: Students will answer 10 personal questions using stem change verbs. E-IE, O-UE, E-I, and U-UE verbs included.
Pages 5-6: Answer key for conjugations only for the 9 verbs on pages 2-3. For personal questions, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, entry / exit slip, quiz / test, or sub plans.
Mi rutina: Reflexive verbs conjugation and paragraph practice
Part 1: For each infinitive, write the reflexive pronoun “me” and the present tense conjugation. Make stem changes where needed. (13 total)
*All infinitives will be conjugated in the Yo form.
*The English translation of each infinitive is provided.
Despertarse (e-ie): to wake up / Reflexive pronoun ______ + Present tense conjugation __________________
Part 2: Transition words matching: Write the correct letter of the English translation. (5 total)
e. After / d. First, Second, Third, Then
_____ 1. Primero, Segundo, Tercero, Entonces
Part 3: Daily routine vocabulary: Write the correct letter of the English translation. (18 total)
h. toothpaste / r. bed
_____ 1. la cama
_____ 6. la pasta dentífrica
Part 4: Students will write a paragraph of 8 sentences about their daily routine using elements from parts 1, 2, and 3. Guidelines are provided.
Answer key is included on pages 4-5 for parts 1, 2, and 3 only. For part 4 (paragraph), student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.